About US
Our Story
CFFAN is led by Reggie and Irma Ocampo, Filipino missionaries from the Bride of Jesus Christ Ministries International, who arrived in Stuttgart on April 1994 being officially invited by Pastor Peter Wenz of the Biblische Glaubens Gemeinde e.V. Initially, the ministry focused on the Filipinos living in Germany and their family members. Eventually, other english speaking expatriates as well as locals joined the church. Thus the former name of “Filipino German Christian Fellowship” was changed to “Christian Fellowship For All Nations”. At the turn of the new century, as a result of the revelation that the Church is a living organism and not a mere organization and that it is a spiritual family more than a ceremonial religion, it now bears its present name of “Covenant Family For All Nations”.

— Our Mission
CFFAN exists to give God pleasure by loving HIM through worship and obedience to His will; to raise up sons (daughters) of God to maturity through biblical teachings and godly relationships; to reach out to the world through faithful witness of the love and power of God through preaching and godly lifestyle; and to provide the Holy Spirit a dwelling place and an obedient willing body for Him to express and manifest His love, power, and life to the world.
By virtue of our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and in the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, it is our desire that God will be able to live His life in and through us.
We Believe In
1. One Almighty God of the Holy Bible revealing Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. He is Creator of heaven and earth.
2. The Deity of Jesus Christ who was conceived of the Virgin Mary and through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is God who came in the form of man and lived a holy sinless life. He died on the cross to purchase the redemption of sinful mankind. He resurrected from the dead on the third day and ascended bodily to the heavens.
3. The Deity of the Holy Spirit as the Third Person of the Godhead. He is empowering the church to preach the word with signs and wonders following. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is still a present day experience.
4. The sixty-six books of the Holy Bible as the inspired Word of God.
5. Salvation of man is possible through the born again experience in the spirit by the grace of God, the power of the Holy Spirit. It is essential for one to repent of his/her sins and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ by faith. Eternal life is knowing Jesus Christ (John 17:3).
6. The true Church, the Body of Christ, is under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and is mandated to reveal God’s love, power, life and glory by preaching, demonstrating, manifesting, and living the Gospel.
7. Jesus is coming back for His Bride, a matured and perfected Church.

— Our Values
We value worship of the One Almighty God; diligent study and faithful application of the teachings of the Holy Bible; surrender of one’s life as an act of worship through obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit; commitment to one another in the bond of love and unity; honouring spiritual elders; caring and supporting one another both in words and in deeds.
The Biblical word covenant is very rich in meaning. To name a few, it means union, alliance, pledge, commitment, agreement, and even friendship. We are forever grateful for the amazing grace of God who invited us to be joined with Him in the New Covenant. He demonstrated His love and commitment to us by giving His life for us on the cross. By virtue of our union in His death, burial, and resurrection, He has made us to be part of the Body of Christ. Thus, we share a common union, alliance with one another as fellow believers in Christ Jesus. We are committed to be one in Christ.
God the Father has opened His arms wide to all of us who were once lost. He didn’t bring us into a religious structure but made us members of a true spiritual family. In Christ Jesus, we have been adopted as sons and daughters of God. As brothers and sisters in the Lord, we joyfully submit and obey our God the Father and express brotherly love to one another. The Church is bigger than an organization. It is a living organism that provides a loving and secured environment for each family member to grow.
Jesus Christ loves every man, woman, or child regardless of culture, race, religion, social and economical standing. The love of God is extended for all mankind since every individual need His love and mercy. As recipients of His love and undeserved grace, it is our desire to share the Good News to all mankind without prejudice. Although we appreciate each one’s uniqueness, we strive by the grace of God to keep the unity of our faith that is only found in our one Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
- Our Partners
Liliane and Christoph Ach
Sicher Lernen – Bagam (n.e.V.)
New-York-Ring 31 71686 Remseck